This is the story of two men with yin yang opposite pasts that dovetail in the making of nontraditional, wild, useful things of wood and metal. Chairs, bars, tables, lighting, and on… anything but dull, repeatable, or available anywhere else. Promise. And we build things that last.*
Michael has been a commercial fisherman, a news producer and gallery carpenter at The Smithsonian’s National Design Museum — from Brooklyn to Alaska, Japan to Oregon.
At age 11 Chris was sweeping floor in the family business. At 20 he was building bars. At 27 he brought the firm into the era of CNC machining, and by 33 he was running the show.
*10 year warranty on our workmanship
woodbutchery - noun - wood butch-ery - wu̇dˈbu̇-chə-rē
a form of woodwork that maximizes odd beauty, durability, high craft and funk. Objects made are one of a kind by virtue of the spalted, the gnarled and the ugly. Roots, burls, crotches, and other elements that cannot be duplicated give rise to objects that are both useful and full of soul.
is the act of making things, primarily of wood, with respect for rules and humor to break them in pursuit of one of a kind useful objects.